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DJ Vietnam
You are now tuned into the greatest… Presenting The World Famous, DJ Vietnam. Straight out of the Motor City. Detroit born, Akron raised. Spent most of his youth in the Rubber City, he learned music from the School of Theoretical Art and later on picked up technology on his own. Vietnam is a member of the WuWorldwide family. From doing custom mixes and mashups to supplying artwork to a coalition amount of deejays, he has made his mark in the industry as one of the best at what he do.
Besides custom mixes, DJ Vietnam specializes in industry standard graphic designs, personalized nameplates and custom voicetags. Sitting on connections since he got out the Army in 2006, Nam is ready to put them to use. The only thing is that it’s up to you to come through and BRING EM OUT!!!!! From Savage Life/ BadAzz to BrickSquad Monopoly 1017, Nam has been putting in work to make sure everybody got what they need, in the streets & in the industry.
As Heard On Radio, DJ Vietnam has done a numerous amount of mixtapes and compilation albums from Welcome 2 Thowd Town to the Lifeless Immortal Army. “Living in Ohio guest deejaying for the station out in California and Nevada was a privilege, helluva experience for me and great exposure for the independent artists in my network. I always show love to unprivileged artists even when I don’t got it, because I believe in the universe returning back good deeds.” Working in the DJ Pools, DJ Vietnam is able to get your SINGLE out to Clubs, Bars, Radio Stations and other DJs.